The artist:
- Must live or be professionally based in the United Kingdom.
- Must be 18 years or over on the day of they register and pay. There is no maximum age.
- Must register and pay the entry fee of £30 (inclusive of VAT) no later than Monday 24 March at 5pm or the entry will be invalid. The entry fee is non-refundable.
- Accepts that, by signing the registration form or submitting the form online, they are agreeing to the terms and conditions of entry as specified by the organisers, National Museums & Galleries on Merseyside (operating as National Museums Liverpool). The John Moores Painting Prize is organised in partnership with the John Moores Painting Prize Trust.
- May enter one painting only. Multiple entries under the same or under different names are not allowed. Artists found to have done this will be deemed in breach of the Prize’s conditions of entry and will have all their entries disqualified.
- Undertakes that the work submitted is of their own origination, and that they hold all moral and intellectual property rights in that work. For example, if your work is closely based on the work of another artist, you must have obtained all the necessary copyright permissions and credit lines and paid any fees due before entering (registration and payment).
- Accepts that the images and painting, if shortlisted, are entered at the artist’s own risk. The organisers are not liable for any loss or damage incurred to the image or painting, if shortlisted or selected for the exhibition itself.
- Is responsible for the transportation of the painting to and from the designated depot if shortlisted to display their work in the exhibition. The organisers will not be liable for any loss or damage, however caused, either in transit to and from the exhibition, or during any period of storage (including at the depot), packing or unpacking, installation, or in any period in which the work may be on their premises or in their keeping.
- If shortlisted, the artist is advised to take out their own commercial insurance to cover their work in transit (two-way), at the depots, and during the exhibition period.
- Must collect their work from the specified depot as instructed.
- Accepts that the decision of the jury is final. The organisers of the John Moores Painting Prize will not enter into any discussion regarding the selection or shortlisting.
- Must, at all stages of the competition, maintain confidentiality regarding shortlisting and selection unless informed otherwise by the organisers. The organisers will liaise directly with the artist regarding any press and media activity.
- If selected for the exhibition, agrees to the reproduction of their work or a detail of the work (at no fee) in association with the exhibition, including press, marketing, publicity, merchandise, catalogue and postcards and online (including the website, YouTube and social media platforms).
- Accepts that the painting submitted must be available for sale in the exhibition and that the Walker Art Gallery, if it requests to do so, is given first option to purchase that work.
- Accepts that, if their painting is selected for the exhibition, any sale of the exhibited artwork during the exhibition period will be exclusively undertaken by NML Trading Ltd and must not be sold or reserved for sale by any other means. NML Trading Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary trading company of National Museums Liverpool. All NML Trading’s profits are returned to National Museums Liverpool to support its work.
- Accepts that, if their painting is selected for the exhibition, they will be subject to a commercial agreement with NML Trading Ltd regarding the sale of their work and any associated use of images of that painting for merchandising purposes.
- Is aware that National Museums Liverpool (NML) adheres to the Data Protection Act 1998. Personal details will remain confidential and not be disclosed to third parties.
By submitting an email address you are consenting to receive future emails from NML relating to our exhibitions. You can unsubscribe using the email address:
The image(s)
- Do not submit any images until you have received your confirmation of registration email and your unique entry number.
- Digital images of the submitted work must be JPEGS max 5mb in size and a minimum of 1000 x 1000 pixels.
- One image showing the complete painting must be submitted. An optional three additional images, showing details of the work, may be submitted.
- The image(s) submitted must of the painting entered and unaltered by computer software. You may crop your image but please ensure your image is clear and in focus. Substitutes cannot be accepted and will invalidate the entry.
- It is important that the quality of the image best reflects the submitted work. The selection of the artworks for the exhibition is entirely based on the image submitted.
The painting
- Must be a new or recent work, preferably created since 1 January 2024.
- Must be wholly or partly executed in any painted medium.
- Must be designed to hang on or be fixed to a wall.
- Must be the original work of the artist (or artists if a joint or collaborative work). Only one work per artist(s) can be submitted.
- Must, if shortlisted for Stage 2, be the same work as that submitted as an image at Stage 1 and be available for Stage 2 of the competition and, if selected, for the duration of the exhibition itself.
- When packed for transport, must measure no more than 3m x 3.75m.
- When unpacked, must project no more than 0.5m from the wall.
- If made up of more than one piece, such as a diptych or triptych, must be no larger overall than 3m x 3.75m x 0.5m when displayed on a wall.
The painting – if included in the exhibition
- Must continue to be available, including for purchase, from 14 July 2025 to the close of the exhibition otherwise this will invalidate the entry.
- Must not be removed before the exhibition closing date of 1 March 2026.
- If sold from the exhibition, the painting is subject to a commission charge of 30% by NML Trading Ltd. This charge will be made by NML Trading Ltd upon completion of the sale and will be invoiced to the artist. Please refer to the commercial agreement or on request.
- The commission charge will attract VAT at the prevailing rate and this will be shown on the invoice to the artist.
- Where the artist is registered for VAT, the commission will be applied the painting sale price exclusive of VAT.
To enter
You can enter this year's competition here:
Contact details for John Moores Painting Prize
Please reference your 4-digit entry number when contacting the JMPP office via email.