We are committed to making National Museums Liverpool as accessible as we can. Please contact the web team to tell us if we could do things better.
Accessibility of this website
We strive to make this website and its content as accessible as possible. We use the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and we are working hard to achieve a goal of AA accessible as our target for this website.
What we do to make this website accessible:
- Use appropriate alt tags on images
- Ensure colour contrast is sufficient
- Caption or provide transcripts for videos and audio clips
- Provide alternative accessible versions of interactive content that relies on javascript or flash
- Test the validity of XHTML and CSS as we create new pages and styles
- Ensure that the text on pages can be enlarged using browser controls
If you spot something that is unhelpful to you and is likely to cause problems for other visitors, please let us know.
Contact us
We welcome your comments about the accessibility of our website. Contact us about accessibility.